Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hey guys!
Sorry it's been a while since I've posted back. Well, it is my second thursday at the Honor Academy. Everything is going pretty good, the people here are so awesome and the Lord has definitely been teaching me more than ever to surrender things that I'm holding on to and to just give it all to Him so He can fully work in my life. It's been quite a couple weeks. Actually, feels like it's been just one long day. Anyways, quick overview, last week was Gauntlet week, which was our orientation type week, a lot of sessions, lots of corporate work out (well, kinda, it got cancelled a lot too because of the weather), and getting used to waking up early. So this past tuesday was our Committment banquet, pretty awesome, I got to stay with my sister core and brother core from Gauntlet! They are all really cool people, love them. And Wednesday was our ministry placement, I got placed in the ATF call center, so now we're just training and such, I'm on my lunch break from it right now. It's so great to see the Lord working and just how to see His hand in several situations, how He holds and strengthens the interns here, and uses them to further His kingdom, it's so great being surrounded by so many people that are walking with God, ALL the time! But I miss everyone back at home so much!! Sorry this was so short, will try to check back in soon, every minute of my life is scheduled here, but I do have some "free time" scheduled every once in a while! (:
Love you guys!

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