Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hey! Checking back in real quick, I know it's been a really long time. Well, the HA is going pretty great. Definitely stretching, but still good. A lot has been going on since last time I posted. A lot of juggling multiple things at once, trying to wake up on time in the mornings(sleep isn't really a great part of the schedule here, as it was at home (:), trying to keep up with just what God is wanting to work in me(a lot), trying to manage my schedule in a responsible way, homework, blah blah blah. I guess I have a procrastinating problem I never knew about? Ok, maybe I kinda knew about it, but seriously Sole? Tons of reading to do tomorrow, because I decided today I would be lazy and do nothing. Well, actually I did a lot (: But I'll talk about that at the end. (:
Well, I've been here for like a month and a half, crazy!! Some weeks feel like they just fly by, I wonder if the end of the year will be here before I know it. Man. But yes, okay so I am working the the Acquire the Fire Call Center, calling for Dallas, I get to work with 2 of my sisters and one brother, it's pretty neat, and everyone else in my call team is pretty chill, still getting used to sitting down for so long, but it's a fun place to be around, and have really been trying to get my heart right with this, and to realize I'm not just calling youth pastors to try to convince them to bring their groups to the event, but I need to realize that I'm calling to aid in the saving of souls, the breaking of chains, the falling of scales, to further the Kingdom. And if this is where the Lord has me serving, should I not give it my all? I went to the Houston ATF and God did some really awesome things there, it was a really good event. This year's theme is Encounter and it's all about encountering the love of Christ in a life changing way, so great. Ok, moving on, I feel like I'm making a call (:
Well, yeah, so that's something I'm still getting adjusted to but it's pretty good. Monday's are pretty short days, I get off at 4 and have 2 classes, Portfolio Papers and Great Books. Being optional, I have wanted to drop them both so bad, the workload is just so overwhelming sometimes! Especially with a procrastinator like me (: I really need discipline in this area, so hopefully keeping them will help. We are reading Mere Christianity in Great Books, it's such a good book. Oh, and monday mornings I have Worldview, I really like that class. Tuesdays I have Character Development and in the afternoon we have chapel, it's really good, we do worship and then a speaker comes. And tuesday nights I have Mission Perspectives, I really really enjoy that class, we have speakers there too, and I love hearing their stories about missions and such. And I love how we are always in constant prayer for the unreached, makes me want to get out there soon! Hmm, wednesdays we have no classes, but we have freedom service at night, and they are usually really good. Thursdays we have Risen in the morning, it's the all girls class and it's so good, this past week just learned about maximizing our singleness and not waiting to start our lives just until we get married, but being active now, it was really good. And in the afternoon we have New Testament, I really like that class, the teacher is so great. And Friday mornings we have apologetics for 2 hours, it's probably one of my favorites, man it's so good, really gets you thinking, and I'm learning a lot of great things that will help me be able to stand on my faith and also defend it around those that surround me. It's good. Oh, and we also just recently had our Fasting LTE, Thursday morning-Sunday morning. No food, no talking, no cell phone, no communication, only book we could read was our bible, it was good. For some reason I got no hunger pains, but they all went to my head, it was no fun. No fun at all. But God is good, and obviously bigger than light headedness, so He got me through it and really made me realize how weak I am and how much I need Him. I already knew this, but it was just that much clearer, it was good. Oh man, but the day before fasting, wednesday for dinner, me and the girls from my call team went to our manager's house because she lives right across the street from Teen Mania, and we had spaguetti, and cookies and brownies and strawberry shortcake. It was a good pre-fasting meal haha. I really enjoyed it. Oh, and Sunday morning broke fast with biscuits and gravy, eggs, sausage, and bacon. Yes, yes I did (: It was great. Hmm.

So today! Woke up, went to Risen breakfast. The theme had something to do with chocolate, can't quite remember, but we had marshmallows, pretzels, bananas, chocolate muffins....with melted chocolate to dip into. For breakfast. It was interesting lol. Then I went back to the room where I was going to do homework but of course I fall asleep. I have learned it is very unwise to try to do homework while in my bed. Maybe I should do it standing? We shall see, this homework WILL get done tomorrow though (: Yeah, so I slept, then went down for lunch, and our family core was serving in the cafeteria today, and I had the 2-5 shift, which was just cleaning, or so I thought (: I swept and mopped, and then our sister CA decided we should make banana bread. Well. The recipe we picked up fed 400 people, made like 3 trays of bread. It was gerat. But of course that's not enough bread, so we made another batch. With cinnamon. So, we put it in the big whatever it's called, blender baking awesomeness machine, don't know, and Abby, sister CA, turns it on not knowing it was on full speed. The flour went everywhere, mostly on her. Yes, yes it did. It was a fantastic moment in time that I will never forget. Thank you Abby. And then for dinner we had Cici's pizza which was pretty good and banana bread (:

So quick summary, until next time I write, this past month and a half really has been stretching. And good. The Lord has been trying to work in my heart, but as the stubborn person I am, He's shown me just how closed my heart has been to Him, so keep praying for me please! I really want so bad to just completely open my heart and have Him change it all to how He wills! He's blessed me so much during my time here so far, and I want to serve Him to the best of my ability. Our core name is Lovesick, and I've really been thinking about just what that means. Wanting to let the Lord work in my heart, to be lovesick for my Beloved, but man, ridiculous how we let the enemy get in and bring fear. The flesh is weak but the Spirit is willing. We need to realize the authority we have been given in Christ and stand on it! The truth is so good, sets free. Sets free. Please be praying for me, the Father knows what He's doing and sometimes (always) I just need to trust! If I don't trust Him, then honestly who should I?
Yes, no one (:

Father God, thank you so much for your greatness and your love, and help us to remember the freedom we have in you, in your son Jesus Christ, and the authority we have been given. I praise you even for our weakness, because it is THEN that your strength is shown! Father, keep us and protect us, let your will be done in our lives. Thank you for your grace, in Jesus precious and holy name.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hey guys!
Sorry it's been a while since I've posted back. Well, it is my second thursday at the Honor Academy. Everything is going pretty good, the people here are so awesome and the Lord has definitely been teaching me more than ever to surrender things that I'm holding on to and to just give it all to Him so He can fully work in my life. It's been quite a couple weeks. Actually, feels like it's been just one long day. Anyways, quick overview, last week was Gauntlet week, which was our orientation type week, a lot of sessions, lots of corporate work out (well, kinda, it got cancelled a lot too because of the weather), and getting used to waking up early. So this past tuesday was our Committment banquet, pretty awesome, I got to stay with my sister core and brother core from Gauntlet! They are all really cool people, love them. And Wednesday was our ministry placement, I got placed in the ATF call center, so now we're just training and such, I'm on my lunch break from it right now. It's so great to see the Lord working and just how to see His hand in several situations, how He holds and strengthens the interns here, and uses them to further His kingdom, it's so great being surrounded by so many people that are walking with God, ALL the time! But I miss everyone back at home so much!! Sorry this was so short, will try to check back in soon, every minute of my life is scheduled here, but I do have some "free time" scheduled every once in a while! (:
Love you guys!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Dear Family and Friends:
In less than 2 days I will be starting the Honor Academy!
It's really snuck up on me and the time left is just flying by! I'm obviously even a little late starting this blog! :PWell just a quick overview of these last few months: most insane months of my life, seeking to fulfill the Lord's will for me but getting distracted by my own stress and indecisiveness of what I want to do and what would be more convenient for ME, still not fully realizing it's not about ME but about CHRIST! This has probably been one of the biggest choices I've had to make and have really needed to have full dependence on the Lord, which not always is the case, therefore the striving and worries, but I've learned sometimes(always!) it's better to sit back and observe the works of the Lord and have an open heart to listen to what He has to say. It has been a hard lesson to learn, but was necessary to get to where I am now....a few hours away from going shopping for EVERYTHING I need for school, packing, sending out letters, saying my goodbyes, praying for the new year, enjoying every moment I have left here, and anxious to see what the Lord has in store! There are still the doubts of a doubtful girl that needs to learn to trust the Lord fully, but whatever His plans are for this year, my plans are to be focused on Him fully whatever He has me doing, being obedient to his Word, and willing to be stretched and broken as the Lord sees fit.

Please please PLEASE be praying for me this year, I will sure be needing it, I want to be able to learn and hear as much as the Lord as possible, so for this I ask all my brothers and sisters to really keep me in prayer!! Also, being a missionary related program we are required to raise the support to pay the tuition for the school, and will also be raising support for a mission trip I will need to take to graduate the Honor Academy. So please keep in prayer supporting me financially if it is what the Lord leads you to. The whole cost for the year will be $7800 (seperate from mission trip cost), with monthly payments starting at $800, to $600, to $400, all the way down to $300. If it is the Lord's leading, you can support with a one-time donation or monthly donations.

So keep in prayer, and if you decide to, you can donate at; you will find a button along the top titled donate; after clicking here, click on US donors; you can search my account by entering my ID# which is 2583529. If you do not wish to do this online, there are other options on the bottom of that page.I appreciate everyone's support, whether it be prayer or prayer and donation. If it is the Lord's will, He will provide and I know He will. I have come to see that prayer is a powerful, POWERFUL thing so it will be a huge blessing to me!!!I feel so blessed to have so many people supporting me and walking alongside with me through this, but most of all the comfort that the LORD will be with me every step of the way. Even if the light only goes one step at a time(which has been the case through this whole process!), I will follow the lit steps as He leads..thanks so much for your time, you guys rock my world.
Lord bless,
Sole (:

(For those who don't know: The Honor Academy is a internship/discipleship program that works to train and develop the leadership skills of this generation's youth, teaching them the importance of Christ in our lives. Internship jobs include working at the call center to call youth interested in attending the Honor Academy, call for mission trips, call churches to invite for important events/conferences, as well as custodial jobs, security, finance, administrative, among many others. We are required to serve 31 hours per week, experiencing both leadership training and professional development. Along the way, receiving direction, provision, and motivation directly from God and His Word to take the Gospel to the world. The Honor Academy is designed to cultivate and develop the leadership potential in young adults while preparing them to impact today's world for Christ. The scope of the program is extensive and includes classroom instruction, practical hands-on experience, and life-transforming events. All are designed to give each intern at the Honor Academy a balanced, strategic approach to Godly character and lasting leadership skills. Their mission is to provoke a young generation to passionately pursue Jesus Christ and to take His life-giving message to the ends of the earth! This information and much more is available for you at )